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Nava foundation is a UK registered Charity 1204831 set up by sisters Carmella and Raquel Sternberg who have an incredibly strong love for their mother land Uganda. They first visited Uganda in 2009 having dreamt of travelling there since they were children.


The trip was momentous  in many ways, they couldn’t believe they had been deprived of the country’s enchanting beauty all of their lives and it was undeniable that Uganda had been a missing part of both of their hearts - they were happy to be ‘home’. There was also a painful aftermath to the trip when a young  Ugandan girl they had become fond of on their trip died after complaining of a bad stomach & they had learnt that her mother struggled to put food on her plate.

Their Jajja (Jajja is grandma in Ugandan) - was the Jajja for her local village. She would feed the children, seeing them as her own & politely declined a more comfortable life in London to be in service to her people. Jajja was in service until it was her time to part with this physical world, giving every little bit she had to her village. She was and still is a powerful inspiration to the sisters and the Nava foundation was set up in her honour.



Nava Foundation is a registered UK charity. 


Our aim is to support Ugandan families to stay together and thrive. Our mission is that all children are brought up feeling safe within families and have the opportunity to have a good education. Our work includes supporting the building and running of primary schools in rural villages and supporting single parents to become self sufficient by starting their own small businesses.

In June 2024  we begin our fundraise for a primary school in Mabira Forest Uganda. 


If Nava touches your heart,  we invite you support us by donating monthly or a one off donation, knowing that your money really is making a difference.

Our direct contact with families in villages means that your money isn’t lost on the way. £500 a year will pay for a child to go to school and a further £100 will ensure they have school uniform and books.

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