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Our Cause


While the whole world faces an impending financial crisis, poverty-stricken regions such as Uganda are among the first to feel the debilitating crunch. The lack of opportunity in Uganda has worsened greatly since Covid-19 and Uganda's children are feeling the brunt of it. Nava supports projects on the ground that are keeping families together & supporting the education of disadvantaged children.

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Kimwani School 

“Providing children with a good education is the first step towards creating a better future”.

Attending school in Uganda is a privilege which many can’t afford or access.

We are  supporting the creation of a non for profit* primary school in Kimwani Village, Mabira Forest*, Uganda *for children aged 5 -10 years old from Kimwani and neighbouring village. Currently, their nearest school is 1 hours walk away. 

Parents will be able to pay with crops, vegetables or any other means of produce they have available. Those who are still not able to afford schooling will be referred for social support.

*Non for profit means all profits go back into the school and pay for school costs and growth



Supporting families
to stay together

The number of children in orphanages in Uganda has increased dramatically in the last 30 years. Many of these orphanages operate illegally or with little regulation, putting children at risk of exploitation and other harm.


Sadly, more and more parents are sending their children to orphanages when they feel they can no longer look after them due to mainly economic hardship, thinking that there children will be better looked after.


Nava supports initiatives working with families to create sustainable sources of income so they are able to keep their children at home. This usually looks like a small home business where the family will be loaned an average of £250 - £500.

Our work so far

Nava was launched in 2020 in the first Covid 19 lockdown.  

Our first project was supporting families in the remote villages of Uganda who were experiencing increasingly devastating hardship due to Covid-19. 

We received a government license & supported initiatives on the ground by offering food and other important items including soap, teabags, toilet paper and sanitary towels. We also supported a group of primary aged children with their fees  at a school in Kampala. 

Our 2nd project was the building of a home for a single mother with 6 children. She was facing eviction from her 1 room hut. Nava built her a 2 roomed house and micro financed her to start her own grocery store from home.

Our 3rd project is supporting the build and operation of Kimwani Forest School Foundation's first school in Mabira Forest.


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Your donation will go a long way towards building schools, helping children stay with their families and supporting villagers with the tools to create their own income. Every penny you give goes towards our cause.

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