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Through your generous donations, we can help to support the children and families in Ugandan villages by furthering access to education opportunities and sustainable income sources.

Kimwani School

Nava Foundation is investing in the build and operational cost of a primary school in Kimwani Village,  Mabira Forest Uganda launching in 2025


Kimwani School Foundation

Nava Foundation is supporting the build and operation of Kimwani primary school (Non For Profit) in the Ugandan Mabira Forest for children aged 5 -10 years old.

For the children in Kimwani and neighboring villages, their

nearest school is 1 hours walk away. Most of the people that live

here don’t have cars, they navigate the dangerous roads on foot-

tackling the motorbikes and mud tracks in the village. This is a

very rural poverty stricken area where most of the locals are

farmers, unable to afford school fees for their


At Kimwani School, children will walk no more that 10 minutes to school. Our aim is to make school more affordable & obtainable for children in the village. Parents will be able to 'pay' with crops, vegetables or any other produce. Those who are still not able will be referred for social support. 

Kimwani school is all about making education accessible.

Kimwani school will be teaming up with Century Tech to offer AI software support for English, Maths and Science allowing children to thrive at their own pace.


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Your donation will go a long way towards building schools, helping children stay with their families and supporting villagers with the tools to create their own income. Every penny you give goes towards our cause.

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